At Highfield our Science curriculum is all about developing the children’s knowledge and understanding of the world in which we live and furthering their curiosity through investigation and questioning.
We follow The National Curriculum programmes of study for each year group supported by Developing Experts. From plants, animals, habitats and materials in Key Stage One, to magnetism, electricity, space and evolution in Key Stage Two, we cover a wide breadth of study for all our year groups. We place an importance on learning and using scientific vocabulary as well as encouraging children to think about how science relates to their everyday lives.
Science is delivered, wherever possible, as practical, hands-on lessons that ensure the children are fully immersed in their learning and discovery. We are fortunate to have wonderful grounds with a pond, lots of trees and an allotment. These are accessed by all year groups where appropriate to support our science learning. Working scientifically forms the basis to all our science lessons and the children are taught to use the following practical scientific methods, processes and skills:
- observation over time
- identifying and classifying
- pattern seeking
- researching
- comparative and fair testing
Progression of skills document