Personal, Social and Health Education (P.S.H.E.)
At Highfield we recognise that although PSHE is intrinsic to the school ethos and approach, children need to acquire and develop specific knowledge, skills and attitudes at certain stages. Therefore we also have in place a planned programme of provision.
PSHE, Drugs and Relationships Policy
In addition to the the PSHE Curriculum, we deliver a Personal, Social and Emotional Development Curriculum. Although PSED is a component of the Early Years Curriculum, the fundamental principles and values which underpin it are values we believe should be taught throughout Highfield. We therefore teach PSED weekly in every year group to further support the development of our children. This is guided by our PSED Action Plan. At Highfield we believe that the personal, social, and emotional development of our children is integral to creating a positive, inclusive, and supportive learning environment. It not only enhances a child’s well-being but also lays the groundwork for academic success and the development of crucial life skills.