Highfield Primary School, Leeds
  • Lunch Menus

    Please click below to see our current lunch menus.

    The School Lunch Menu  follows a three weekly cycle.

    School dinners cost £2.55 per day for KS2.

    Children in Reception and Key Stage 1 do not pay for their school dinners.

    Due to the ordering deadlines for the kitchen, the notification period to change from school dinner to packed lunch is 3 full school working weeks.

    Pupils wanting to move from packed lunch to school dinners may only do so after a holiday and dinner choices must be made 3 full school working weeks in advance of this. 

    Parents should make payments via Parentmail. 

    Please note Parentmail will not be updated daily and, as such, the balance shown may not include meals taken that week.

    Whilst every effort is made to provide the menu  as stated, occasionally we may have to substitute items due to availability.


    All children are offered milk to drink as part of their daily routine at Highfield.  Children who are under 5 years of age are entitled to free school milk until they become 5. Please let the office know if your child doesn’t want milk.  If you need to pay for milk in school you can visit the web site below to register and pay online.  
