Highfield Primary School, Leeds
  • Values & Ethos

    The Highfield curriculum is designed around the needs of the children, families and community and has been at the heart of the community for over sixty years. It is a rich and unique curriculum, reflecting the diversity within, and the heritage of, the school. The curriculum is language rich, and we are proud of the many experiences within which add cultural capital to all our children. There is a very high standard of subject disciplines as we aim for all our children to leave the school exceptionally confident in each subject. We aim to equip our children for high school and future careers by providing the best foundation possible. Our school site is integral to our curriculum and provides a safe and educational base for outdoor learning. We foster high standards of inclusion and emotional wellbeing with carefully planned curriculum opportunities promoting respect, tolerance and British values. Mental well-being is nurtured within the curriculum by its breadth, in particular the time given to The Arts and Sports and extra-curricular experiences.

    Our school motto is “unlocking potential” and we aim to do so for every child who passes through our door.