Highfield Primary School, Leeds
  • School Development Plan

    Highfield Primary School Development Plan 2023 – 2024

    Unlocking potential is not about finding the key but recognizing that it was within you all along.

    The School Development Plan is an ongoing live document that enables the school’s vision to be shared and understood by the whole school community. Our aim is to work and learn together as a community in order to unlock every child’s potential.

    The School Development Plan gives everyone an understanding of where the school is going and provide a rationale as to why each specific objective is a priority. The rationale is based upon school, local, national and international research. We have set clear timescales for implementation, and determine how to effectively use both human and material resources to support specific goals. The process helps us plan our strategy and prioritise our budget. The SDP is designed to give a sharp, clear focus to those aspects of our work which we believe are most in need of improvement.

    School Development Plan objectives 1 and 2 are particularly detailed and require significant time to research best practice and apply to our setting. This will require a movement, not a mandate and therefore are 2 year objectives.

    Highfield has a legacy of high expectation and both academic and personal development. The lessons and accomplishments of previous years form the foundation upon which present and future endeavours are built. We are building on solid foundations which ensures a trajectory of continuous improvement. The cycle never stops as we refine our approaches and adapt to changing needs and contexts of our community. If you have any questions regarding the SDP, please do not hesitate to contact school.

    Priority One

    Planning, Teaching, Learning, Assessing (2 year objective)

    Priority Two

    Oracy: the ability to articulate ideas, develop understanding and engage with others through spoken language. (2 year objective)

    Priority Three

    Writing (1 year objective)

    Priority Four

    To improve the school infrastructure over a period of five years (Kitchens, electrics and lighting, decoration, ICT, outdoor areas) (5 year objective)